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Re: Vlink internal error problem
Posted by: tat Jul,26.2020-11:03 

Thread Necromancy!

I hit this problem while installing a new machine.

I think this is a change in behaviour in newer vasm versions. There is a note in the release for 1.8h:

"mot-syntax: A SECTION directive with a single argument is interpreted as section type when the selected output format does not support section names (e.g. aout, tos, xfile). Otherwise the type defaults to code, using the given argument as section name."

This means that if you are using "elf" as the output format, it interprets "section data" as a code section. So you can't link them into a tos binary any more.

Personally this seems like a strange decision, but I'm no expert at designing a cross-platform assembler.

vasm v1.8e does work for me. Alternatively, declaring my sections as this:

section data,data


section bss,bss

is a workaround in my small test.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Vlink internal error problem Thadoss/Dune Jan,05.2020-19:21
  Re: Vlink internal error problem Emphii Jan,05.2020-20:12
    Re: Vlink internal error problem Thadoss/Dune Jan,05.2020-22:14
      Re: Vlink internal error problem ggn Jan,06.2020-00:20
        Re: Vlink internal error problem Thadoss/Dune Jan,06.2020-00:50
          Re: Vlink internal error problem evil Jan,06.2020-19:22
            Re: Vlink internal error problem tat Jul,26.2020-11:03
              Re: Vlink internal error problem Chain-Q Jul,26.2020-14:57
              Re: Vlink internal error problem mikro Jul,27.2020-07:56
                Re: Vlink internal error problem tat Jul,27.2020-13:53
                  Re: Vlink internal error problem mikro Jul,28.2020-08:13
                  Re: Vlink internal error problem mikro Jul,29.2020-13:15
                    Re: Vlink internal error problem tat Jul,29.2020-16:22

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