Showing news from 2000-01-01 to 2000-12-31 Showing 128 articles
Those weird persons in Spice Boys have released yet another Falcon production. This time, they are back with advanced star scrollers and stuff! New members for coding and music as well.
» Download SpiceMillenium
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Sector One has released a new update of their popular MP3-player for the Falcon "FalcAMP". Updates this time includes optimiziation (yeh!), bugfixes and general code cleanup.
» Download FalcAMP v1.07
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The classic first-person RPG-game 'Towers II - The phlight for Stargzer' for the Falcon has been re-released as freeware. Towers II was very popular back in 1995, and has been ported to Jaguar, PC and soon Nintendo Gameboy.
» Download the new Towers II v1.2c (freeware)
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Paranoia has released a nice little christmas demo for ST, STe and Falcon machines. Coding and graphics by Paranoid, graphics by Paranoid and Strange and a nice new chippie by Luebke and Paranoid(!).
» Download Xmas-2000 by Paranoia
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MC-Laser sent me the final missing chiptune from STNICCC today, so you can now download all of them in one zipfile. They are all in SNDH-format playable for SND Player, three of the four songs are also available in editor format (SSD TRI+TVS).
» Download the four chipmusic contribs
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Exocet from Pyjama has released a new little intro for ST (and possible Falcon). It was aimed for release a number of times, but never made it until now.
» Download Craptalk intro by Pyjama
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In case you've missed it; The 12'th IMParty is being arranged over New Year. The ususal suspects will show up and some new stuff is planned. There are rumours about those Spice Boys to show up there...
» Visit the IMParty 12 page
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In a newsletter today from P.H.F. regarding their enormous ST chipmusic demo (over 4000 tunes!) the following was told:
The demo will be official released in 2 weeks, all that needs to be done is the Falcon fix (which I now know the reason for occurring) and the intro needs to be done. BTW The intro includes one of the best chip musics ever , 20 mins long!
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These swedes (well now half swedes!) continue to release cool stuff for the Falcon! Their third (!) Falcon demo this year was released this morning. It plays a nice mp2-soundtrack by Viking as well.
» Download Sleepless demo
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There seems to be a new version of the Coldfire processor on the way in mid-2001. With enhanced 68k compatibility (should be nearly perfect(?)) plus built in FPU and MMU! This is indeed interesting news for future clones and/or accelerators. The new ColdFire will also run in clocks up to 333 MHz (due July 2001) with 500 dhrystone mips rating (equalent to approx 360 MHz p2 speed).
Now, why these "Super Atari Clone" makers don't await this processor is hard to understand.
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Here are the first newsbits from the STNICCC competition, there are probably more entries than these, will be updated when more data arrives!
2000-12-17/14.52 update: Music list updated.
2000-12-22/21.26 update: STNICCC logo results.
2000-12-26/16.40 update: Fixed graphics results (thanks Graz!).
40k demo:
01 - DBUG
02 - .tSCc.
ST Demo:
01 - Oxygene
02 - Sector One / Dune
03 - PHF
04 - Overlanders
05 - Mr Ni
06 - Ravelli (Idemline)
01 - Milhouse
02 - MC Laser
03 - D-Force
04 - Dma-Sc
ST logo in strange location:
01 - DBUG
02 - Carbon
ST News logo:
01 - Nova
02 - Krazey Rex
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Don't be fooled about the updated Nostalgic-o-demo, good old Oxygene has more up their sleves! They also made an ST(e) demo for the STNICCC competition, and won! The demo features nice advanced polygon flights in EKO-system style, but more well designed than the EKO falcon demo. The demo also works on normal ST-machines, but completely silent, on STe there is 50 KHz protracker music.
» Download the Oxygene STNICCC 2000 STe demo
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The STNICCC demo from Sector One was not released as planned at the party. The guys inform us that we have to wait "a few weeks" for the release. Hold your thumbs, maybe it will be released for christmas?
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After ten years of Diskmaggie, the final (?) issue has been released today. As usual the last five years, there is a Falcon specific version (including a Falcon intro by FUN!) and a more general ST version (working with ST and Falcon).
» Download the Falcon version » Download the ST version
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Today at 18.00 the STNICCC 2000 party opened. Hopefully we should see new demos from Sector Ono and PHF released there, along with previously revealed Maggie 29 (including an intro by FUN).
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Now the processor-specs and developer firm of the new rumoured Atari TOS-clone has been revealed. It is somewhat confusing facts still.. but here goes;
180 MHz ColdFire processor
And ehm.. yes, that's about it what has been told so far.
The machine is to be built by Medusa systems (maker of Hades). So a wild guess would be that the new machine ain't going to be cheap, Medusa Systems has never been afraid to charge alot of money for their products.
» Download a proper English translation of the press message
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It seems like we're going to be able to enjoy a new issue of Diskmaggie after the STNICCC (or during perhaps?) party in Holland. It would also seem that FUN is creating an intro to go along with the mag! Check back here after STNICCC, and there should hopefully be a download available.
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The new DSP synthesizer "ACE" from NewBeat is previewed in the current issue of the online magazine "My Atari". You can read an early impression by an experienced midi musican there.
» Visit My Atari to read the preview article
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Here is a mail which arrived today from Oliver Heun, with a request for publishing here.
Motorola only ships the MPC-chip used in Tempest in packages of a certain amount. Of course we need some for the prototypes, but there'll be quite some overhead of processors not being used - that we have to pay for though.
To make sure, these processors will not be wasted, we'd like to take some preorders of people that are willing to buy Tempest when it's finished. We don't need payment in advance or something like this. We also don't need 100 or 500 preorders to continue. We would simply need 20 preorders so we know where the processors will be used when Tempest _IS_ finished.
The benefits are obvious, those who preordered will be the first ones to ever get Tempest.
Additionally, it should be stated that Tempest is not limited to be used in the Falcon. It can be used in _ANY_ kind of Atari (or compatible) computer with an adapter board, so even non-falcon-users can preorder.
Tempest will sell at roughly 300 euro, but that also depends on some VATs, taxes and of course exchange rates.
It would help us gather the needed preorders if you could put up some news on your site along with Sven's email-address, svenka@it.kth.se This is the address that preorders should be sent to.
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The deadline for the current online competition (MOD, Non-musican, dither) is closing in rapidly. Only sixteen days to go.
» Online competition.. huh?
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The final diskmaggie is coming shortly, and here is a news posting I received today from cheif editor Chris Holland.
A quick message to all actual and potential Maggie contributors.
This is a slightly cut-down version of an email sent to a number of confirmed contributors, so apologies for those people suffering a slight sense of deja-vu from reading this.
If you are contributing articles to the 10th anniversary issue of Maggie, then these dates will be of interest to you.
They are the 9th-10th December (next weekend) to either get your finished articles in, or to let me know what you are doing. This is the preferred date for getting contributions in by.
The absolute final cut-off date is the 13th December, the day before I travel to the STNICC party in the Netherlands. If anything comes after that date, then it will literally be too late! (Although it may appear in the 'Alive!' diskmag.)
Whether you are going to be able to do anything or not, I would appreciate some sort of reply. I will start putting the issue together shortly, and I will need definite information to make plans accordingly.
In short, can you let me know, either way, and soon please!
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The last week or so, there has been information spreading about a new "Super" Atari-clone computer. The information has been very very sparse, but still the key-people behind the (so far only rumours, although they claim it is for real) project have said nothing about specs or who are building it.
Haven't we heard this before? New Super Ataris (or Amigas for that matter) come and go like Windows is rebooting. And that mean alot. We've had talk about Atari clones from Ge-Soft, Wizztronics, Istari, Centek, CzubaTech, Oxo and Milan which never (so far at least) made it to a state where it is actually produced.
And now a new "Super Atari" is apparently planned again. Or planned, we know nothing what is planned, only that there will be (not even this has begun) a poll to receive as many pre-orders of the machine as possible. See, the machine won't be produced until 500 orders are confirmed. And, who will order without knowing 1) What hardware, and 2) What company is behind this mystery-thing?
Who can it be? Well, the spokesman ("Ulrich from Koeln") strictly denies it to be either Milan or CzubaTech. So, who's left then?
Medusa (Hades producer) ? Not impossible.
Wizztronics? Hardly.
Istari? Unlikely, they work with Cortex.
GeSoft? Out of business for years.
Centek? If they still own the rights to the Phenix.. not impossible.
Which else? Really have no clue. The fact that they call it a new "Super Computer" might idicate a PPC G4 design, as it's a "Super Computer" by definition (1-giga-flops sustained rate). But that speed would decrease performance alot doing 68k emulation, and then be far away from any "Super Computer" numbers.
Other hardware alternatives? Well, there is one thing that most people are bypassing. It's the new chip from Transmeta, the "Crusoe" processor. Which is mostly built upon software, and can, regarding to Transmeta cope with any instruction-set native. The only problem is that the only instruction-set currently available is the x86. However when/if the 68k version arrives, we're talking fun stuff, and perhaps this is what the new "Super Atari" is about? No, not likely, but it would be damned nice.
So to conclude all the above craptalk into a few words:
We have no fu**ing idea what's going on! :-)
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The CT60 project is growing. Now the first utilities for configuring and monitoring the CT60 are getting ready. First screenshots and and alot of new info is available at the ct60 site.
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The big Atari-sites "Place2be" and "Magicos" are holding a few new competitions mainly directed at GEM things. Such as icon-drawing competition, background picture competition.
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The upcoming DSP synthesizer from New Beat has gone thru some major upgrades lately. The synth is now heavily optimized and can play 16 (!) synthvoices aon standard 16 MHz Falcon. New filters are planned and the interface has been redesigned.
» Watch a brand new ACE screenshot
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The Error In Line II website has opened with information, news, background, compostuff etc for next years party.
» https://eil.atari.org/
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Marcer of Elite reports that the demo-ftp server now is active under a new address. You can reach it via
Address: ftp://marcer.myip.org
Login: Demo
Pass: Demo
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A new musicdemo from the "YM Rockers"-project has been released. Chiptunes from 505, Tao, D-force, Dma Sc, Mc Laser and Milhouse are included in the first production which is called "Wave upon wave".
» Download
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The first issue of Alive disk magazine is about to be published. If you are writing an article, hurry up or you'll probably miss the deadline. Contact STS!
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Over 120 (!) persons have now ordered the CT60 from ex. Centek technician Rodolphe. Development is now made by three persons, two for software and one for hardware.
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A couple of weeks after releasing the long awaited upgrade of Flex Trax, New Beat has presented their new project - ACE. It is a software dsp-synthesizer for Falcon. ACE can play eight synth channels on a standard Falcon with various effects on each channel. ACE can also mix digital instruments with the synth. The sounds produced with ACE are truly ehm.. ace. :) ACE is first developed as a MIDI soundmodule, but will later have a tracker-like interface built around the player as well.
» See the first screenshot of ACE
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There are now 107 orders of the Centurbo 060 card, so it will be produced :-) If even more people orders, the price will go down. Some news is that the board can now accept accelerated motherbards (CT1, Nemesis, Phantom..) to archive faster ST-RAM and higher Videl resolutions, not to mention faster DSP.
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Rodolphe had some problems to gain the 100 buyers for the old revision of the CT60 card. So now he has re-designed it into a cheaper and modular way and quickly he have over 90 buyers ready. The new design has a 060-cpu slot that allows for fast expansion-cards, such as PCI (planned to be available at launch) and PPC cards. The PCI should be approx 4 times faster than the Eclipse.
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Sometimes surprices arrive, and today there is a big one. Yep we've heard since EIL that the next-generation Flex Trax is about to be released. But after a while you kinda stop expecting it to arrive anywhere near. But today it happened. Flex Trax v0.9 is out with alot of new functions, bugfixes etc. Flex Trax v0.9 still works on normal 4mb Falcon.
» Download Flex Trax v0.9
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Yep, chipfreaks and fans of old ST game music will have an early christmas. Over 500 new SNDH-chipfiles are available for SND Player.
» Go download
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Here are some really terrifix news! 505 / Chekpoint wrote me today and ask me to put the following announcement here:
Now it it definitive. There will be another "Error In Line" party next Easter. More information about EIL #2 will follow.
We hope to see you again in Dresden,
/the organizers
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StGhost and Splash of Sector One has made a new major upgrade to FalcAMP. It can now stream mpeg-music from internet and play it in realtime. On a 56k modem, 48kbit/sec has been sucessfully played without interuptions.
» Goto FalcAMP page and download
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A new big pack of SNDH-tunes (playable with SND Player and JAM) have been released at the SND-Player homepage. Over a hundred previously unheard songs are included.
» Goto SND Player homepage and download
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GGN of KÜA has released a new game for the STe and (hopefully) Falcon. The game is similar to "Daleks" or Gnobots 2.
» Download Kuavadis
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Yep, already the first night after the party ended, most files are available. Thanks a LOT to MC-Laser!
» Go and download :-)
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Yep this weekend Unconventional takes place in Germany. I know at least one ST demo will be released and some pictures. Check back on sunday night or so for the first downloads. :-)
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Yeah, finally.. Wilfire has released their Sillyventure 2000 ST demo called "Tut!". It should work with any ST/STe and Falcon (although syncing might be wrong on too fast machines).
» Download
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The ASMA music archive has been updated to v1.7. Enjoy loads of nice 8-bit Atari music. JAM from Cream can play most songs quite well.
» Download
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At PMP, the guys in FUN created a musicdisk with songs from D-Force (mainly). Thru some weird ways I managed to get a copy of the preview-version and waited for the final to arrive. I waited and waited, until one day I asked D-Force what was going on. He explained that they were going to change font for the songlisting, as it's not the best. A few months more passed by and then D-Force said, enough is enough, let's release it as it is, or I will release my second music demo before the first one! Said and done, the first FUN music demo is released without the font change. Needs a Falcon with RGB or VGA.
» Download
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Rumors have been slipping into the DHS office that LOud! are near to release a new ST demo. It is supposed to have chipmusic from a wellknown german musican and graphics from a long-haired deathmetal fan (no shit? ;)). Code is done by some gfa hardcore (x-rated?) coder.
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As speculated a few days ago, Mind Design have now released their Sillyventure Falcon demo. It should be pretty identical to what was shown at SV2k. It needs VGA (60/100Hz), FPU and 14mb memory (14mb ST-RAM or 4ST+10Fast). It's also the first (major) demo with mpeg music on the Falcon, so enjoy the nice music from Viking.
» Download Hardcore demo
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After a years abscene, the mailinglist for Atari demo-fans has resurrected. It opens today, August 20, 2000. It is open for everyone who wants to talk about Atari demoscene or (somewhat) related topics. May it be dithering tricks or homepage annoucements, you're welcome to participate!
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Mind Design is on ice, at least for a while. That's what Deez tells us on IRC. He also tells that there has been no development on the "Hardcore" demo since Sillyventure 2000. Deez continues, "we will release the party version of the demo in a few days in a VGA100 and VGA60 version". So stay tuned folks!
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Reports from Finland (?) reveals that Wildfire finally have the remaining graphics for their "Tut!" ST-demo which won at Sillyventure 2000. It is supposed to be finished within a couple of weeks. But now, havn't we heard this before? ;-)
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Rumours are telling that after all the questions and critics about no ST democompo at STNICCC 2000, such a compo IS now being planned, hopefully we can read it at the STNICCC site in a while.
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Supremacy have released their first Falcon demo. It's a slideshow containing 53 pictures from various "30 minute" graphics competitions. Should work both with VGA and RGB.
» Download
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In the latest Undercover Magascene we can read that it is the last issue ever, if not Moondog picks up his old mag again. Nothing _really_ weird here, however if one continue to read the bizarre things are being discovered: UCM are revealing that Diskmaggie, the ten year old and famous diskmag is going to close and join forces with it's previous "death-enemy" Undercover. Together they will create a new diskmag, called Alive.
Ok, it doesn't exactly say that Maggie will close, but when the main editor of the mag, and probably the one who writes 75% of the articles, changes magazine - what can the effects be? I don't think it need any deeper thoughts or speculations.
Maybe Reservoir Gods will wake up and save the zine?
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Cowabunga! Only an hour since my article below was uploaded and we have a big Maggie pressrelease to clear up things. Read and see..
Please distribute and reproduce freely. This press release is based upon an editorial add-on indended to appear in UCM 20, but which didn't quite get there in time. In view of the uncertainty expressed about future Maggie survival, I hope this makes things a little bit clearer. - CiH, August 3rd 2000
Well, the reason why I am here, is to formally announce that, as from what would have been the next issue of UCM, I am joining with ST Survivor, and those remaining Maggie and UCM people who still wish to come out and play with us, in a new direction for Atari Diskzine-dom, the 'Alive!' publication.
I'm sure ST Survivor has done a more than adequate job in explaining all about our future intentions, so I won't bore you myself. However, you may well be thinking next, "But where does that leave Maggie?"
A very good question, and one which I haven't completely answered in my own mind yet. The current most favoured scenario has me still maintaining some sort of Maggie presence, but only in an irregular fashion. I've still got to get the 10th birthday issue out, in some meaningful time frame, and I will be asking around a lot of people for their help fairly shortly!
From there, it is likely that Maggie will be in a happily semi-retired state. I do have some more ideas for one-off special issues, so there is still likely to be some action there. Otherwise, if people still want to see Maggie run alongside Alive! as a regular fixture, it is really up to you now! I won't have the same amount of time, or the inclination to spend on Maggie in such a single-handed fashion in the future, as I have done on very recent issues.
On a related note, I would like as many of the current Maggie contributors to write for the new Alive! diskzine as possible (after the 10th birthday Maggie has been put to bed.) I'm taking this joint venture very seriously, you'd be more than welcome to come along too.
The decision between me and ST Survivor to go for a new direction may well have shocked a lot of people, but better one thriving enthusiastic Atari diskmag, rather than two barely alive and struggling ones?
Okay, that's it for now, message ends..
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Elite has setup an ftpserver with alot (alot!) of Atari ST and Falcon demos. Currently there are about 500meg demos, but Marcer says he expects some 2-3 more cdroms will be online shortly. The demos are not stored in some special emulator format, but in native Atari files.
Port: 21
Login: Demo
Password: Demo
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In the latest Undercover Magascene we can read that it is the last issue ever, if not Moondog picks up his old mag again. Nothing _really_ weird here, however if one continue to read the bizarre things are being discovered: UCM are revealing that Diskmaggie, the ten year old and famous diskmag is going to close and join forces with it's previous "death-enemy" Undercover. Together they will create a new diskmag, called Alive.
Ok, it doesn't exactly say that Maggie will close, but when the main editor of the mag, and probably the one who writes 75% of the articles, changes magazine - what can the effects be? I don't think it need any deeper thoughts or speculations.
Maybe Reservoir Gods will wake up and save the zine?
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The 20th issue of Undercover Magascene is released. Twice as fat as the previous one, nice chips and mod music plus some surprices!
» Download at Demozoo
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Unconventional newsmail #2
Hi everybody,
In about 6 weeks the unconventional will take place. So far I´m really looking forward to the event. Especially the feedback in the 8 Bit sector make me happy.
We hope that most of the people who showed thair interest will come to the party, and hope that the event will be a lot of fun to everybody.
Last week, Bastian Moritz the editor of the classic ATARI fanzine, and co-organiser of the unconventional, had a call with Axro, the distributor of the Milan II. They spoke about the possibility that Axro could present thair computer at the party. A lot of people are interested in the Milan and Axro is interested in a lot of developers. Axro liked the idear and promised to think about such a presentation or another way to show thair presence. We will see what happens, and hope that they find the way to Lengenfeld.
Erhard Puetz, better known as the Floppy Doc is also interested to come. Because a lot of people from the ST szene who bought an 8 Bit Computer in the last time is searching for a Ram extention or a Speddy drive (important to read Double Density), these people could buy or order such an hardware at the party, if Erhard come, if he don´t find time, we hope that we have at least one copy of each, to demonstrate, so that you could order these hardware.
Last week I send an email to M.u.C.S. to ask him if he want to sponser the Unconventional. The next day I had an positiv reply, and two days later I got an package with prices for the competitons. A superb service I think. A great thank you to Sacha Roth.
Another thank you to Rodolphe Czuba. He mailed an announcement of the unconvention via his mailing list. It is so easy to help other people who organise an event, why aren´t more atari people like Rodolphe? Btw: I want to buy a CT60 of course.
The Partyplace:
At the Schreiersgruen Fair I had the possibility to have a look at the party place. It looks like we have space for about 50 people. The whole building seems to be a cool convention hall The bottom where the Toilets and the sleeping room is, is pretty new. The two rooms where the convention take place looks a little bit old, but that is a cool athmosphere. The kitchen is big and seems to include all nessecary stuff we need.
The Competitions:
Because a lot of people asked, here a summary of the rules:
1.) You could release what ever you want
2.) Mod files could be created on any system you like. There must be a player on the Falcon who plays the mod files.
3.) The graphics could be painted on any system you like. They have to be read by a Falcon programm.
4.) You could also release something if you aren´t on the party. In that case you need somebody who attend the party and give up the release for you. If you win a price, these person also gets the price.
R.I.K. of Kaisersoft ( Markus Roemer ) will sponsor the Millipede Open. He spend 100,-DM for the event, so the first place get 50,-DM, the second place 25,-DM ,the third place 15,-DM and the fourth place get 10,-DM. Many thanks to Markus.
M.u.C.S. the well known german dealer sponsered 2 times Draconis professional (together a value of more than 320 DM). Many thanks to M.u.C.S. (Sacha Roth).
Please reply to that mail that I know that you get it ( I had problems with the first newsmail ). Please let me know when you decided to stay away from the convention, it would make it easier for me to plan. Of course I would be happy to hear something that motivate me, like a announce of a super Demo etc.
best regards
The organisers
Mad Butscher / Foundation Two
moST / classic ATARI
Helmut Weidner / V.A.C.
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Assembler coders are needed for the Centurbo 060 project to be a reality. Patches and drivers needs to be made. Also the Centurbo 060 project has got an update on the hardware specs again, it seems like Mr Zcuba is busy!
» Read the latest annoucement
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Yes it looks like Rodolphe got the "hook" for that Centurbo 060 board now. He's currently aiming at a no-solder possibility.
» Read the announcement
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Supremacy have released a little intro for the ST at the VIP2 party in France.
» Download Cece intro
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Strider / Supremacy has released an invite intro for the aRTS party in france. Works with ST, STe and Falcon.
» Download aRTS y2k intro
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Centurbo 060 specifications has been released, there still needs people to make this project a reality. The price has dropped over 100eur since the original preliminary specs were told.
» Read the specifications text
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Yep, only a couple of weeks left until the IMPonance and DHS party opens. It's the usual things once again which has been successful each year: Computers, poker, gocart, weird legomachines from nocrew (you should have seen the soapbubble machine in lego!!) and much more! Recently Ham/IMPonance opened a webpage further information.
» Visit imp11.atari.org
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Yes it took a while, but it was worth it. Creams multiformat player JAM is now released. It plays a shitload of common and uncommon formats. Specializing in Amiga-softsynth music such as hippel, tfmx, ahx, whittacker and real chipmusic as sndh, sid and pokey. The player shell is available in a GEM and non-gem version, the GEM version is mostly recomended for a bit faster machines than plain STe.
You can download the player (both shells, all plugins) below, and some song archives that are not available from the official Cream homepage. More to follow shortly! (big sid, tfmx, follin packages!). The player works with STe, TT and Falcon computers.
» Download JAM Shell (nongem) » Download JAM Shell (gem) » Download CPU (STe/TT/Falcon) plugins » Download DSP (Falcon) plugins » Download 500+ AHX songs » Download 100 David Whittacker Amiga songs
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A guestcompo is now arranged! ST Survivor of Loud is arranging an onlinecompo here at DHS. This time anyone can contribute, you don't need to code, paint, compose..
» Compocorner for more info!
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A bunch of new SNDH files are released in the June 2000 pack. There are many Daglish and Whittacker gametunes from the early years included, high nostalgy level!
» Goto SND Player homepage
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A small musicplayer for "Art Of Noise" Amiga synth tracker has been released. It's a little ttp util that works nicely in multitasking. There is also an AON song collection available.
» Visit the TAP homepage
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2 Alternative Party ... Computer Party ... or something
This is a supremely official advertisement about the rebel of all computer parties, the 2 Alternative Party. Are you tired of the boring conformists who spend all their precious youth at mindbogglingly mainstream computing events? Events which don't even deserve to use the term "party"? Events where machines with personality are oppressed beyond all recognition and without glory?
The 2 Alternative Party is a venemous strike against the majority. Where devoted users can take part, whether they own a Spectrum, MSX, Altair, Cray or any other weird and wonderful combination of chips. Nothing about the party is normal. Nothing would be shown on Top of the Pops. It wouldn't even be allowed to appear on Fashion TV during an advertisement break as a tiny subliminal message with the picture distorted.
Unique competitions will be organized, including: ST-01 Music Competition, Obscure Music Competition, Source Code Graphics Competition, Obscure Machine Competition and the highlight of the party: the all-machine Demo Competition.
If you feel different -- special even -- mark the dates 7th July to 9th July into your calendar brain implant. Then add a note to be in Helsinki, Finland at that time and finally burn the text "2 Alternative Party" into your neural pathways with big, friendly, pink letters.
For more information:
» Download official invitation textfile
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Centek and Rudolphe are now deifnitly separated. Centek doesn't seem to have any Atari related things going anymore. Rudolphe have more plans though.
» Read yesterdays announcement
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SND Player v1.4 has been released. It can now play Sid Sound Designer tunes made with VGA monitors correctly. Also there is a new converter so musicans using SSD can do SND files themself.
» Goto SND Players homepage
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HAM/IMPonance announces:
It's my sad duty to announce the dates of the eleventh IMParty, and the dates will be:
28th to 30th of July.
It's the last weekend in July. However if the demand for more days is high, I will consider to extend the party for a day or two. The days will them be monday and possibly tuesday.
Mail me and tell me what you think. If there is a low interest for this, the party will be held three days, starting on friday 28th of July. As always, the party starts officially @ 18:00 on Friday.
Most of you know the drill, some coding, soldering, happy hacking, BBQ:ing, eating, drinking, gaming, pokering (maybe even some poking(?)), go carting, burn balling, mindstorming (TM), networking, IRC:ing, (skinny)dipping and so on for a couple of days!
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FalcAMP v1.01 has been released. It is now featuring a GEM interface that supports most modern functions (drag and drop etc). It have playlists, plugin system and alot more. It also play mpegs alot better than the old 0.92 version.
» Download FalcAMP v1.01
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It looks like coding is funnier than cracking, Sjx/Vectronix have released another update of Graoumf Tracker. News for this version is greatly improved speed while going between sample/tracker editors, also N.AES/MiNT compatibility has been added, amongt others!
» Download
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Yep Sjx/Vectronix (known for his quality crackings..) and Lp/Encom (known for his AtarIRC) have joined forces to continue the Graoumf Tracker. Today the version 0.8776 was released, the first release not coming from the original authour. Some of the changes are numerous bugfixes, including now functional envelope saving!
» Download
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I received a package today with four previously unreleased ST screens by "Digital Rainbow". They are of various quality.
» Download
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The Chipcompo votes have been counted, and you can read some statistics and the results at the competition page. Also notice that there isn't a new onlinecompo planned at the moment, so you can concentrate on the SV2k/alt2 demos!
» Goto compocorner
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Small reminder about the chipcompo voting! Deadline on Saturday 18.00 CET!
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More ym chipmusic converted to SND Player-friendly songs! The new package fills up the 505 directory with most songs he ever did. Also the 505 digidrum music files work nicely in SND Player! Amongst others there are a few prviously unheard Mad Max tracks, as well as brand new pokey sound effects in the Tao directory.
» Visit the SND Player homepage for a download
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Some days ago I got a mail that requested the following to be annouced here:
"Family16 new name with new project on Atari scene: conversion of hi quality PC game "Wet: The Sexy Empire" to our loving Atari machines. On http://wet.atari.org/ you can find all info, download first preview and maybe get involved in this project."
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Through some magical ways, it looks like some old unreleased Synergy screens have found their way to earth. There are two packages, one with some intros never released which, as far as I can tell, also have some unreleased Scavenger songs. The other package is a very special "promo musicdemo" they sent to Thalion, this includes both used and other unused songs! And if this wasn't enough, there are rumours about some unreleased Falcon screens from Synergy. More about that later.
» Download the unreleased intros (ST/STe) » Download the self-promo musicdemo plus other things
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The deadline has passed and you can download and vote for the tunes now. Included in the compopackage is a _really_ nice surprice!
» Goto compopage
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New ST/STe intro released from Exocet/Pyjama. Programmed in GFA Basic and released at the "BZH Party" in France.
» Download Kittykat intro
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Yep, long time no update! It's been sort of silent lately. However the chipcompo is nearing the end. It is deadline this sunday at 18.00 CET! Please e-mail the contribs asap as it will ease up the compo package and mp3 making of the songs.
» Visit compocorner for details
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Strider/Typhoon has released an mp3 mix of old YM classics. It entered the mpeg competition at the Iradium Party in France.
» Download 5mb 160kbit mp3file
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Yep the tenth IMParty ended yesterday. For the third time it was held in the school rather than the old house we had before. Sure, the old house had more personality, but this new place is better in any other aspect :)
There were between 35-40 persons, where approx 10 (!) were from NoCrew. The Atari percentage was better than in a long time, I counted to 7 Falcons (where three had CT2) and one STe. NoCrew was showing their new Falcon demo (noring is back! cool stuff..) and New Beat showing FlexTrax 0.9 which sounded better than ever and looked quite finished.
Mind Design showed some of their new routines, and I can assure you this demo will be very good, also the SNYD2000 from NoCrew is taking shape, CMT/NoCrew showed some of the screens and it looks nice.
NoCrew was also showing the TOS/MiNT/VDI/AES extension for Linux called OSIS. It is starting to work quite well! Everything except the actual core of the Atari programs runs natively and you can even compile Atari programs so they run native on the host machine. Well, this OSIS project needs more presentation than I can fit here :).
If this wasn't enough, NoCrew are planning a Debian/MiNT disitribution for the future. This is indeed good news for any "MiNTer", and it looks like NoCrew has more things going than ever as NoName/NoCrew is also working on a Unix version of SND Player.
Apart from this I got the feeling that the main hall looked messier than ever when we left ;-). Now, have to wait several months for IMP11..
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ST/STe invite intro for the Sillyventure 2000 is released.
» Download
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Yep active swedish team is back! They released a nice little intro for Falcon tonight. Special versions for standard Falcons and Centurbo 2 Falcons. Works with both VGA and RGB monitors and restores back fine.
» Download Lemon Falcon intro by Mind Design
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The missing english invte textfile from the SV2000 invite intro is now here.
» Read the invite
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The 3k graphics winner is revealed, and a new chipmusic competition announced!
» To the compo corner
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A new game has been released by some guys. It's called "dopewars" and is supposed to be a conversion from an msdos game.
» Download Dopewars
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What is a compopackage without the annual ERROR ? It seems like I managed to mess up the TGA version of Havocs entry. The PNG was correct though. I've made a small (3k) fix-archive with a correct Targa.
» Download Fixed Havoc 3k TGA image
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The deadline for the 3k gfx cokmpo is over, and you can now download the contributions together with a votesheet.
» Goto the compocorner
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Just a last reminder that the deadline for the 3k gfx compo is on this Sunday, at 18.00 CET!
» Read the rules
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.tSCc. has released a package with their old, never released productions. Preview of games, demoscreens etc.
» Download "Sirius B Revised"
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NoCrew have released a small binary version of their MP2-Audio player. It is suitable to incbin in your own assembler programs and call from there. Example play source, plus full sources for the decoder is included. Fine thing is that the player uses 0% CPU while playing, so your programs get maximum speed from the 030/040, while however the DSP is fully busy.
» Download MP2 Player incbin version
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A new Falcon musicdemo from Persistence Of Vision have been released. It's called "Jesterday" and contains music from Jester/Sanity.
» Download Jesterday
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Have released a Tron game (have to be number 78667455 tron game for the Atari). It should work with ste and falcon.
» Download Stront
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Sorry I forgot to change the e-mail of the 3K graphics competition! If you have sent in contributions, please re-send them again, but to another adress: ae@dhs.nu as it looks like the atari.org adress will be away for a while longer.
Sorry that I forgot to mention it earlier.
Also have in mind that it's only TWO WEEKS until deadline!
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There has been lots of talk about Centek the last time. That the Phenix computer has gone down, which apart from Milan 2 seemed like the last outpost if you wanted something new that ran Atari software.
The reason for Phenix to dissapear seems to have been the software side. One of the key developers of "Dolmen" had left the team. As everything in Phenix was concentrated around this, the project fell apart like a punktured balloon.
However after these news, lots of people started to suggest Centek that they should look at anohter operating system, which were already available and prooven to be stable and well developed, namely MiNT.
And for once in a lifetime, it looks like the company listened to it's customers. As you can now read about the "Phenix 260T" workstation as "the first MiNT computer". The Phenix 260T is a scaled down - but still hotted version of the "old" Phenix. The specs are:
CPU: 68060 / 83 MHz (one or two chips)
LOCAL BUS: 83 MHz/32 bit. 266 mbyte/sec
EXPANSIONS: One AGP slot, five PCI slots, two USB ports
MEMORY: 2 DIMM holders, up to 1 gigabyte
FLASH ROM: 512 kilobytes
IDE ATA-4: UDMA-33 with PCI-MASTER. 132 mbyte/sec
MISC: PS/2 ports for keyboard+mouse. Realtime clock with nvram. ATX 2.1 case.
And now for the fun part, buying the damn thing. :-) Anyone who read the original Phenix price surely had their pizza in the wrong throat. However, this new cut-down Phenix is in real lowprice-land.
Base system:
ZIP 100 drive
32 megabyte memory
AGP RAGE Pro graphics
6.4 gigabyte harddisk
CD-Rom drive
Price with one 060: 913 Euro ($900, SEK8000, DM1800)
Price with two 060: 1142 Euro ($1100, SEK10000, DM570)
Personally I think this is the best news from Centek in ages. Just hope the machine will be available in a short while.
All infos above were collected either on IRC or from Centeks homepage. I don't take resonsibility for the accuracy, you should take it mostly as rumours, except those parts snipped right from Centeks website.
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Sector One has released v0.90 of their MP3 player "FalcAMP". It finally have interupt-driven DSP comminucation, so it now multitasks fine! With a CT2 it is no problem that with comfort surf or doing other tasks while FalcAMP is playing. Big hurrays to those froggies.
» Download FalcAMP v0.90
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AssemSoft and DHS have updated their SND Player to version 1.3. Some bugfixes and a new large SND file pack available (over 100 new songs).
» Visit the SND Player homepage
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Like a lightning on clear sky, a new (at least to me) Falcon democrew makes a totally unexpected demorelease at "The Party 1999". The demo works fine with a Centurbo II and from MiNT as well. Well done guys!
» Download Mahabharata Falcondemo by Fit
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