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20 years Atari ST
10 year
15k music demo
Summer 2001
Dither / non-music
Fuji photo
Chipmusic cover
3k graphics
Xmas intro / non-music
Whip! plugin
Sid Sound Designer
Four colours
Non musican 2
Sid Sound Designer
In a eurovision style votecounting at IMParty 9, the winner of the Sid Sound Designer onlinecompo has been choosen. By a clear marginal, Dma-Sc of Sector One took the first price! Big congratulations to him!
The results are as follows:
  1. Dma-Sc. 45 points
  2. Tao. 40 points
  3. Mc-Laser. 23 points
  4. Viking. 20 points
  5. Baggio. 13 points
  6. Aio. 12 points
  7. Milhouse. 9 points
  8. Evil. 7 points.
  9. Havoc. 3 points.
  10. Blind-Io. 2 points

Some stats from the SSD compo:
  • 10 songs joined the compo
  • The ssd-musicdemo contains three bonustracks
  • Some musicans who were expected to make songs, didn't
  • On the other hand, more non-expected musicans joined
  • Total 29 people voted
  • Highest score is 45 points of a maximum 87

Download results and musicdemo
© 1994-2024 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson